The garden is now actually outside rather on the windowsill. Of course, the severe thunderstorms have resulted in some casualties, but I am hoping for some success.

Hey! It's my Birthday!! In my honor, Wal-Marts around the nation are giving away free ice cream (full servings) today from 11AM to 4PM... It is a nice gesture on their part, but I would really have appreciated it more if they would have renamed the stores Wal-Mark for the day. Still, go and enjoy Mark Day!!
Only Child, leaves for Arizona on Wednesday, to spend a week with an internet friend and her family. She is anxiously counting down the days. It will be her first airplane flight and she is going alone. I am also anxious... for all the parental reasons you'd expect. I am excited for her, though.

Just finished the season finale of Fringe and was pleased to see that my theory regarding Peter were spot on. All that plus more Nimoy goodness. Great show; can't wait for next season.
Also just got around to watching the Glee! preview and can't wait for more! I loves me some musical TV.
It will probably be canceled after 4 episodes, but I can dream.

That's it for now.
happy happy
Happy birthday, Mark! Hope it's a great one.
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