Thursday, June 9

Working Stiff... and Aching.

Didn't want anyone thinking I had fatal accident at my spiffy new stockman job.... I just wish I had.

The job is a less fun take on one of the less offensive circles of hell. I am a mature (as my new boss delicately phrased it) fellow who hasn't really been in a really physically demanding job since the days of his ancient youth. As a result, the effort to meet the 70 cases per hour stocking goal, has challenged me. Let's just say that I would really like to find something else...soon.

I'm confident that I can get used to the physical aspects of the job. It is the, nobody leaves 'til the job is done aspect that will be the eventual deal breaker. My wife leaves for work at 7AM and I would really like to be home so that my daughter is not left alone for too long. My out time is 6:30AM, but I didn't get off until 8AM on my first day at work. My daughter is 11 and can be left on her own for a couple of hours without a problem during the summer, but I really want to be there this fall to get her off to school.

What can I say. She's my baby!

Talk to you soon.

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