Friday, January 7

Post Holiday Funk

Now that the holidays have ended and the warm fuzzy glow has faded, I am faced with the coming year and the blahs. Even blogging seems like a chore at the moment.

The unbelievable heartbreak and horror of the Tsunami tragedy that is blanketing the news like a shroud and the sad news of Will Eisner's death has given the new year a taint of sorrow and loss.

The financial burden of my uninsured visit to the ER has cast a $3000+ pall over the new year budget and the lingering rain and grey skies have added to the melancholy mood that has settled in. I'm sure it will pass or at least alleviate as I get my head around contorting my budget to patch the mild hemorrhaging of cash.

Enough of the incessant whining and hand-wringing. As the news reminds me, my woes are insignificant in the grand scheme.

Christmas was actually quite wonderful and I received gifts that would lead one to think I had been on Santa's nice list. I received the Incredibles soundtrack from my loving daughter and scads of DVD's from my beloved wife. She gave me Alias: Season 3, Angel: Season 4 (she couldn't find Season 3), and The Return of the King Extended Edition. She also got Quantum Leap: Season 1 for the entire family. The best gift she got for me was the Encyclopedia of the DC Universe that I had been longing for... what a woman!
Since the in-laws went on a holiday cruise, we did not have to rush through Christmas morning in an effort to get to their house afterwards and that made for a much nicer, laid-back holiday. Of course, I did have to work on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day; but such is the cost of providing home entertainment for the masses of people tired of having to talk to visiting relatives and/or eager to try out their DVD players/game systems.

Just wanted to take this time to thank Mike Norton for the entertaining post-holiday posts. The links to the article on the creationist museum (thanks to Tammy too) and the 16 Serious Questions Raised by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer were great.

Hopefully this funk will fade and I will come to regain the delusion that my rants and ramblings on this blog are of interest to someone or sometwo and will catch the blog-bug again.

Back soon.

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