Friday, November 19

As easy as shooting wounded insurgents...

First, let me give credit where it is due...I just had to steal this from Jesus' General. I was so astounded when I read it that I knew it should be shared.

By now, we have all heard the report concerning the shooting of an, apparently, defenseless/wounded insurgent by a U.S. soldier. The footage of the incident is unsettling on so many levels and is damaging to America's already negative image in the hearts and minds of many Iraqis , but a thorough investigation still needs to be done regarding the incident.

Of course, the freepers have already reached a verdict on the incident (it was as easy as shooting wounded insurgents) and are not afraid to let loose on the guilty bastard. Unfortunately, they are talking about Kevin Sites, the reporter of the incident.

Here are excerpts, from the message board at the Free Republic, that Jesus' General has compiled...

Was not the reporter under the duty to hand over this tape to military authorities,under the rules of imbeds? If that's the case then strong measures should be taken against Sites.
I sincerely hope... But I'd rather the Marines dish out the justice.
Turn Sites over to the terrorist.
That tape should have gone to DOD for vetting first!!
No need for anything overt. Unfortunate things happen in combat zones, and if the reporter fails to hear someone yell "Sniper!!", well, c'est la guerre.
The US attorney general may be able to charge him with sedition.
Someone should've deserted him right before sunset in Fallujah, or some such treatment.
I wish. This guy Sites shouldn't walk away from this unscathed. Red America wants justice.
If the government won't police the press there will come a day when the people will.
It better charge Sites, that treasonous bastard!

Michael Savage is on fire over this issue.
He's an effin traitor. He is aiding the enemy. He should be tried and killed.
He sure behaved like a Judas didn't he? He certainly is doing the leg work for our Islamofascist enemies
Kevin Sites is a traitor. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with this
The Constitution was written for the common man and for Christian's sense of Justice. Common law represents God's law. American Justice may seem rough and crude to you, but it is based on godly liberties. Sites is in a WAR ZONE. He has aided the enemy. If he cared about what was going he should have ran back to the brass...not to MSNBC. He's either looking for a pulitzer or he's effin traitor. Either way...he's done.

It would seem that the citizens of a red-state mindset are ready to sentence Kevin Sites to a traitorous, non-christian death.

Again, my thanks to Jesus' General: A 10 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender

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