The new She-Hulk book by Dan Slott is worthy of your attention. It is a book that shows a love for the Marvel universe and a great sense of humor about it too. I urge any comic fan to run out and pick up an issue. The book is funny but not at the expense of the characters... It laughs with them, not at them. Dan Slott shows a great love for the Marvel universe and I hope to see more work from him.
Joe Quesada said that the book is not in danger of cancellation but is in definite need of more readers. Pick up issues 5 and 6 for a two-parter about a very unique prison break.
Unfortunately, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend the new Iron Fist series to you. Admitting that hurts more than you can imagine. Power Man and Iron Fist are my favorite characters in all of comics, and I will dutifully buy any book they appear in (with the exception of the recent and horrible Cage series); Marvel is making this a very painful duty. The new series suffers from very static art and a lackluster story that might have worked in a 2-3 issue arc, but is unbearable in the new decompressed style that Marvel seems to love so much. I can find some solace in the knowledge that Luke Cage is getting much better treatment in The Pulse (highly recommended).
I have noticed that the September and October solicitations for Marvel have not included new issues for Iron Fist, so it may already have been cancelled.
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