Monday, March 22

Random comics wish...Cinder and Ashe

Over on Gerry Conway's Facebook page, the subject of Cinder and Ashe was brought up by someone who only recently discovered this classic mini-series from 1988. It was written by Gerry with fantastic art by José Luis García-López. I bought it off the rack back then and have always wished for more. I made my wish known with a follow-up comment.

Gerry responded...

Your lips to Karen Berger's ears. In fact, if you or anyone you know want to see a Vertigo series of Cinder & Ashe by me and Jose, drop a line to that effect to Karen at DC Comics. She's the editor-in-chief of Vertigo.

I can only dream that there are more like-minded fans willing to contact Karen Berger
in numbers large enough to make this come true.

For those not familiar with the title, here is the Wikpedia entry for the book.

If you'd like to read it, go buy it on Ebay.... right now! Here are the listings for it.

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