Wednesday, May 30

Tooting My Own Party Horn


Yes, I have offically become an insurance risk! For the last few months, I have been receiving life insurance offers warning me of my impending birthday and imploring me to buy now while rates are low! Apparently, I've crossed some imaginary line that shows I am closer to death than those on the other side of said line.

It wasn't all bad... I met a new friend...


SuperWife said...

I shan't be crossing that line for several months yet, but, while I haven't been getting the life insurance offers, our HR person recently advised me that the cost for the company to continue to provide my health insurance will be rising rather dramatically.

I don't feel feeble...

SuperWife said...

Oh, and 'Happy Birthday', for real!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday from Kathy and me.

Tony C.

Mike Norton said...

Happy (belated) Birthday, Mark!