Wednesday, October 12

Absolutely useless post (At least this time I admit it!)

I just read where they are making a movie out of this book, and it reminded me of an amusing (to me) trick that my mind played on me regarding the book.

When it was released, the cover of the book appeared everywhere. At the time, I was a member of 3 or 4 book clubs and was repeatedly bombarded with ads for the book. I saw the cover over and over and over; and every time I saw the cover, I was certain that the title of the book was The Devil Wears Panda.

It made sense to me.

Funny how the mind sees what it wants/expects to see. It was months before I realized the devil wore Prada... Boy was I embarrassed... I still like my title better.

I know; reading this post wasted 45 seconds of your life.

I apologize. Please, go back to whatever you were doing.

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