Wednesday, July 6

Blogged Down

Hi. How ya doin'?

I'm still working the supercenter job and have adapted to the work. Unfortunately, my body seems to be in rebellion... from my shoulders to my fingers, I have pain and tingling that comes and goes throughout the day. It is most aggravated when I work with my hands, such as typing or writing; and it can get very painful. This has kept me away from the keyboard; even now, after typing the above, I can feel it beginning to ache. I would guess that it is carpal tunnel syndrome, but it runs from my shoulder to my fingers.

Still, I do have employment. Tony Collett is still looking; let's all send him some positive energy and best wishes.

I haven't got to comment on any of the big news of late... flag burning amendments, supreme court resignations, etc. Now I know why Dumbya gets away with so much; the working class is too tired to give a rats ass. Still, I will try to get back into the blog-groove as soon as possible. I need to up the job search efforts before I lose all hope and settle for what little I've got.

Before I give into the growing pain and numbness, I thought we should all mark the passage of the man that gave us such a great deal of amusement during the vice-presidential debate of 1992. How can any candidate top his memorable opening remarks at that debate..."Who am I? Why am I here?"

Of course, I speak of the great war hero, Vice Adm. James Stockdale. A man that was ill-used by Ross Perot in his insane effort to become king crackpot of the U.S. I hope Stockdale will be remembered for his valor and military career, rather than that dreadfully funny/sad debate appearance.

Must go...limbs are fading...

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