Thursday, November 4

United We Fall

Kerry wants us to reach out and hug a republican and let the healing begin.

I don't think so.

Dumbya wants to be a uniter during the next 4 years. Does he really expect us to believe the Bushit he shovels out? His entire campaign was to divide and conquer. He got his evangelical fanatics to storm the polls and now they have an agenda and a warning for Dumbya...

Dr. James C. Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family and an influential evangelical Protestant, said he had issued a warning to a "White House operative" who called yesterday morning to thank him for his help.

Dr. Dobson said he told the caller that many Christians believed the country "on the verge of self-destruction" as it abandoned traditional family roles. He argued that "through prayer and the involvement of millions of evangelicals, and mainline Protestants and Catholics, God has given us a reprieve."

"But I believe it is a short reprieve," he continued, adding that conservatives now had four years to pass an amendment banning same-sex marriage, to stop abortion and embryonic stem-cell research, and most of all to remake the Supreme Court. "I believe that the Bush administration now needs to be more aggressive in pursuing those values, and if they don't do it I believe they will pay a price in four years," he said.

Dr. Dobson and several other Christian conservatives said they believed the expanded Republican majority in the Senate and the defeat of the Senate Democratic leader, Tom Daschle, put them in striking distance of both amending the constitution to ban same-sex marriage and approving the appointment of enough conservative Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade and other abortion rights cases.

While this might make Rick Santorum giddy with delight, it scares the crap out of me.

Still, think that there is a hope in hell that Dumbya is going to unite us?

Should we bend over and let the healing begin?

If you won't listen to me, listen to Maureen Dowd explain it better than I ever could.

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