Friday, November 12

Have You Seen The Incredibles?

This post is, for the most part, to let you know that I am still here. Life and all its many demands have kept me from the keyboard during the past week; hopefully, I will get a chance to post again soon.

I also wanted to, once again, urge everyone to go see The Incredibles! The whole family saw it last Sunday, and we all can't wait to see it again! Many times during the movie, I forgot that I was watching an animated film; not because the animation is realistic, but because the plot is. Yeah, I know, they are superheroes; but the most important thing about The Incredibles, is that they are so credible. It manages to make the Parr's and their problems so believable that all of the fantastic stuff is simply an accepted part of who they are. As for my favorite part of the film; it would have to be Elastigirl breaking into Syndrome's fortress. It manages to be funny and suspenseful and spotlights her super powers wonderfully. I may be prejudiced, because I believe that Helen Parr/Elastigirl is the best character in the movie.

One more time.... Go see The Incredibles!

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