Friday, September 10

Making Amerika Safer

In spite of all their talk about supporting the assault weapons ban, Dumbya and his cronies are making a concerted effort to let the ban expire on Monday. One can only assume this is the next step in their plan to make Amerika safer. Here is the transcript for there new commercial debuting on Tuesday...

Dumbya: I'm George Dumbya Bush, and I was told to approve this ad by Karl and Dick.

Announcer: Think about it. If everyone of our citizens would purchase an assault weapon, terrorists would think twice about coming to our country. They would also come in handy if those spineless bastards at the U.N. tried to land their black 'copters in our backyards; and imagine the look on those baby-killing doctors faces if you parked outside the abortion clinic with one of those beauties propped out the window....

Dick Cheney: You'll all need assault weapons if that U.N. flunky, John Kerry, gets voted in on November 2nd.... not that I mean things will get worse if he and that trial lawyer scum of his win; it's just a possibility due to their being so LIBERAL.

Announcer: Help Dumbya make Amerika strong and safe. Purchase an assault weapon on Tuesday, September 13. Hell, bring it with ya when you vote on November 2nd... let's show those liberals that we mean business.

Brought to you by the Second Coming Term of Dumbya committee and the Swift Vets Against Political Dissent.

It could happen.

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